Thursday, December 8, 2011

Smart Researching

Boolean Research
Use :
  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT
You can narrow your researches by implementing these three things, instead of receiving ten and thousands of given websites.

LI: to be able to apply these methods into your research

Saturday, November 12, 2011


This week we've covered group reflection and self reflection. We are about to do our real group project.
  • Danial made a google docs for us to tick if we've done our reflection. *ticks*
  • gantt chart's still undergoing process..
  • We kinda argued about sebastian the crab being a lobster
  • I've got stomach cramp so i didnt really did my fullest
  • decided to use yam

Thursday, November 10, 2011

1) what have i contributed to the group project?

- I've gave ideas and suggestion and tried to make dead line

2) what would i do differently next time? Why?

I will try not to do my work last minute. I'll do extra research that will benefit the group

3) What have i learnt about working together?

I've learnt that it's not about what you think, but also what other people think. Working together can be hard, but in the end we had fun and co-operate nicely.

4) What has been good/challenging about working as part of a group?

Meeting datelines is the most challenging one we had. We had no problem listening to each other, but meeting datelines was hard. Sometimes it was hard to make people do their work fully so we had to keep reminding each other.

What have i learnt?

1) I've learnt more about my teammates, and their speciality and what they are skilled at. And when i'm sick, i dont think i can contribute as much as I did before i was sick. And sometimes we went off topic, but we got back in the end. I've also learnt that some people wouldn't finish off their work on time, and it held us back a little.

a) Deciding and planning the project was considered ok. We co-operate on what's going to happen next and so on. But sometimes deciding can be hard and planning can be out of hands, but we manage to do it anyway.

b)planning and producing- Datelines was hard

c) reading and presenting my ideas- We took turn to present/ say our ideas out.

d) time management- dateline was hard to keep and getting people to finish off work at a certain date is hard. Some people did not meet the datelines and it pulled us back alittle.

3) I gave some ideas that might help the group, did alittle bit more extra research.

4) What are the most valuable points i have learnt? why? - I've learnt that sometimes it's hard to work in a group because one person may be pushy, some other person may not contribute ideas at all. But in the end the result was worth it as we have reached an outcome/plans.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Gp reflection on gantt chart

Learning how to use a gantt chart is kind of easy but applying it to our project is kinda hard. We had troubles putting in our datelines and allocating task for team members to do. Currently we need to find a dateline to what we are doing : recycling bins, booth and proposals.

We found out that we had limitations for our "teaching project" and happily agreed to put that aside for awhile. Our limitations to teaching:
  • might be collaborating with class time which will affect our studies
  • we cannot clash with primary school students study timetables.
  • we do not know when we are allow to teach

Thursday, October 13, 2011

LI: To evaluate different outcomes and relate to your own learning.

Main Issue: Health- children's health
Topic relating to my gp project: ----
Focussing on:
Health and disease
How we can improve your lifestyle
One of the issue is how obesity affecting people
What do i like:
The animation they used.
What can we use from this idea?
Animation to captivate primary students

Jamie Oliver
Main issue: Healthy school food
Topic relating to my gp project: ---
Focussing on:
Health and disease
What do i like:
Well formatted
What can we use from this idea?
Creating a website/campaign

Kanye west:
Main Issue: Humans and other species, slavery,
Topic relating to my gp project:---
Focussing on:
Slavery, illegal trading
What do i like:
Video- serious issue, colour
short and sharp
captivating, feel
What can we use from this idea?
Movie, inspiring, music video, singing

Monday, October 10, 2011

Nuclear plant as an alternative resouces

  • Engage primary students
  • make sure they understand how does nuclear plant work
  • Spread awareness of oil depletion
  • the usage, importance and dangers of nuclear plants- case studies of the dangers, accidents
How do we do it?
- By making a model of nuclear plant, students can be engaged
- By showing a video of how a nuclear plant work, this should be easier to understand
- by asking question at the end of the presentation
- Maybe labeling the diagrams
- colouring

Why are we doing this?
- To educate the students about the uses of nuclear plant
- We would make sure it isn't too complicated for the students
-raise awareness

Presentation style:

Monday, October 3, 2011


I think our group cooperation went well.
We know what we're doing, and how we're going to do it. We made it easier for everyone to read by writing in the whiteboard.
We summarised our work, and watch our videos together and wrote on the fish bone diagram.

It would have been so much better
  • if some of our group members summarize some of the website that was given and not waste their time.
  • It would also be better if we cooperate and share ideas rather than sitting down.
We worked together and covered up alot of area in one day and began with the fish bone diagram. I think it was really good.

Monday, July 11, 2011

This is what i am.

My top is : Implementer-40
2nd: Coordinator-13
3rd- Monitor evaluator-6

my face right after i've got myresult.. :|

I think these 3 are my personalities because I have to finish my work and I am usually motivated. If i don't finish my task on time, i will feel uneasy and i can't sleep.
I dont mind if i get work, or even more task. I don't usually show that i'm scared or worried. I keep it to myself.Sometimes i prefer to do things alone- sometimes leading to me doing everything. I react strong to both praise and criticism.

What did we learn about the apprentice

We learnt to listened to other people's ideas other than yours.
We need good leaders( if we have one)
Set multiple tasks
Never have 2 people doing the same thing- Waste ones effort.
conflicts can happen between team members.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Team Work

What makes a good teamwork?

1) Communication
2) Agreement
3) Setting task
4) Responsibilities
5) Same conclusions- Listening to each other
6) Help each other
7) Listen to each other
8) Giving Opinions
9) Working together

Sets Achievement and Goals

My weakness in the team:
a) Be too harsh

My strengths in the team:
a) Research
b) Summarising Ideas
c) Meeting datelines.

I think that meeting datelines, organising and getting people to do work might be an issue. I think i can develop this area by communicating with them every day.

Working as a team:
Aim and achievements:
1) To perform the projects successfully
2) Make sure everyone get equal parts
3) No slacking
4) Listen to everyone opinion- especially during brainstorming

Roles and Responsibility
a) Equality among the people in the group
b) Researches, organisers, quality checker, Video maker/recorder
We will not have a team leader since the team is so small. We are comrades and believe in communism, therefore a napoleon would ruin the whole thing.

Keep track of what our team is doing:
a) We can achieve by creating a time sheet/google calendar for this particular project

Strict dateline rule
No procrastination
Punishments are needed.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Modern day slavery

What is human trafficking?
Illegal trade of human beings: prostitution, force labour or a modern day form of slavery.
This includes, men, women and children. Everyone is a victim of this illegal trade.

Main reason for human trafficking?
  • Poor family.
  • need money
  • family trading in for money.
  • Trafficking can work like : It is a common practice to persuade a young woman to leave home and to move to a wealthier neighbouring country where she can work in domestic service, child, or adult care, waitress, restaurant or at a bar.
  • poverty
International, Regional and National anti trafficking laws and conventions that define outlaw and punish trafficking

Monday, May 2, 2011

What makes someone human.

wWe are Homo Sapiens. We have religion. The ability to know what is right and wrong; the ability to communicate in a whole new level. The ability to create. Great understanding.
Evolution, natural selections are what make us humans today. The language.

The ability to reason better than most creatures makes us human.
Human evolution is the origin and evolution of Homo Sapiens- hominids, great apes and mammals.
We also have a unique identity and are marked with something supernatural deep within us- a never ending spirit- an immortal soul. It is that soul that directs out feelings, thoughts and will. Even more unique than animals, plants, insects.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I've learnt how the court works, and arranged from witness,cross examiner, researchers, chief executives to the juries. I developed my research and understanding skills.

I find finding information very easy, i think this is because i'm always doing this at home. I find cross examining hard because you need to ask questions and so on.

We constantly cross examine the witnesses. And the researches gather up information that is relevant/related to the topic. The chief executers were making sure everyone did their work. We are organized and prepare for the court case.

We had alot of teamwork during the court case. From the chief executers-> to researches- witness and cross examiners on the bench. We know what we're going to say, i think we can predict what our opposing team might say. We're confident in our evidence.

I think i did the researching really well, passing notes, searching more information in the court.

I think the target would be : More time to conduct the court case. Make the question clear and understandable.

I would practice my presentation skills at home and prepare notes and researches before hand

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Against death penalty

The question is, does death penalty actually save lives?
If your family/friends are killed, you would want to get revenge right?
lets say its a married man who killed your family/friends and you kill them back/is sent to death penalty, wouldn't his family want revenge too?
This is like a cycle..
they kill, you kill, they kill, you kill
Theres no stopping this cycle if the death penalty isn't abolish

According to roughly a dozen recent studies, executions save lives/ For each inmate put to death, the studies say, 3- 18 murders are prevented...
so.. lets say.. if the man is dead, and you recently found out that he is innocent. Theres nothing you can do about IT.

1) executions cost more than life in prison
2) the innocent may be wrongly executed
3)crime rates have not gone down
4)killing is wrong
5) life in prison is already enough
6) why kill people who kill people to show killing is wrong- yes we want to make sure that there is accountability for crime and an effective deterrent in place; however, the death penalty has message of " you killed on of us, so we'll kill you". The state is actually using a murder to punish someone who committed murder. Does that make sense?
7) financial cost to taxpayers of capital punishment-most people don't realise that carrying out one death sentence cost 2-5 times more than keeping them in prison
8) it is barbaric and violates the "cruel and unusual" clause in the Bill of rights- Whether is electric chair or gas chamber or lethal injection or hanging, it is barbaric to allow this kind of death to be made.

For Death Penalty

For death Penalty

Most countries have abolished the death penalty. But I am going for Death Penalty. Why? because for example, if your best friend/parents/siblings got murdered. What will you do? You would want them dead right? Lets say if the Amnesty abolish the death penalty, What will happen? You can't do anything right?

If the death penalty is abolished , crime rate will rise. Unless the enforcement rate goes up, then it will be fine, but we can't 100% say it will go up will it?


Its better to just kill the person then just keep them in a prison cell. It's so much cheaper. There is also a high chance that the prisoner might escape from prison and that leads to chaos. Facts and evidence supporting the abolishment of the death penalty are often exaggerated. A consequence for committing the crimes are necessary

For eg, Guantanamo Bay.

They torture you, but they wouldn't let you die.

Lets say the death penalty is abolish, would you want to suffer before death?


1) death penalty gives closure to the victim's families who have suffered so much- SOme family members of crime victims may take years or decades to recover from the shock and loss of a loved one. One thing that helps hasten this recovery is to achieve some kind of closure. Life if prison just means the criminal is still around to haunt the victim. A death sentence brings finality to a horrible chapter in the lives of these family members.

2) it creates another form of crime deterrent - crime would run rampant as never before if there wasn't some way to deter people from committing acts. Prison time is an effective deterrent, but with some people, more is needed.

3) justice is better served- punishment should fit the crime. When someone plans to murder another person, doesn't it make sense that the punishment for the perpetrator also be death?

4) it contributes to the problem of overpopulation in the prison system- too many prisoners(causing overcrowding). Not enough resources, not enough space. When you eliminate the death penalty as an option, it means that prisoner must be housed for life.

Monday, March 14, 2011


* Defamation – harm done to a person’s reputation, and slander (spoken) versus libel (written)- I think this would cause the person a mental breakdown
* Whether a statement is seen or heard by a third party or parties
* Whether the identity of the target is clear
* Anonymity – does it make the perpetrator more or less responsible?
* Harassment – what does it involve?
* Duty to provide a safe work or study environment – what roles do schools and teachers play?- I think the school would have to take actions if it's causing the person pain and misery to he/her life.
* Right to freedom of expression – what limits should be placed on it?- too much freedom is not good because you might be doing something out of the ordinary.
* Right to security of person – should people be protected from written or verbal attacks?- I think everyone deserve to suffer in life even it means ONCE or TWICE. No one is meant to be protected everyday, every hour of their lifetime
* Defences and confounding factors – what makes a possibly libellous statement okay?
* Truth – when the statement is accurate
* Fair comment - a legitimate journalistic intent
* “The reasonable person” - how offensive does something have to be before it becomes libellous?


Difference between sensory and senses.
Sensory- this might be referring to touch, smell, see

Interpretation: How can the brain deceive on what you see, smell, touch.

Just because you see something, doesn't mean it's true.
Sometimes believing things in your own opinion will just let you to fall. Life is a journey of constant change. Resisting change or trying to control the change out of life is self-defeating. It'll drain you, it'll make you sad, your happiness will disappear. Change is uncontrollable. You must accept this and move on.

Our brains often trick us into thinking we can't.
For example, have you heard " I could never go back to school" "i don't have the money" or "i can't learn to do that. Im too old". Don't ever fall FOR THIS TRICK. Your mind is very persuasive in the way it uses this.

For example:
A tree as seen by biologist, a logger, an environmentalist, a native from Sarawak

A biologist might see a tree as a study. They might use this to clone new trees, make new medicines and cure to save humanity.
A logger might not care about the tree at all. They'll only care about their money and getting their jobs done. Log trafficking are very common in some countries
An Environmentalist might see it as a very important tree due to the fact that it might play a big part in life. They might if possible ban people from cutting down trees or protect it like a national park.

Osama bin Laden

Why did he commit such a crime?
What made him become like this?
What did he belief in?
Is he dead or still in hiding?
Why is he so dangerous?
What crimes did he do?

Monday, February 21, 2011

crimes in malaysia


Purse-Snatchings: In most incidents, two thieves on a motorcycle speed up from behind a victim, and the passenger on the back snatches a purse, handbag, or cellular phone. Thieves have also conducted snatch-thefts while leaning out of the passenger side of moving vehicles. These thefts can occur at all hours and often in front of large groups of witnesses, even in upscale neighborhoods frequented by expatriates. Women walking by themselves or with small children are the most common targets, but men walking or jogging alone have also been targeted. Victims have been injured and even killed after falling and being dragged by thieves in cars or on motorcycles. More recently, some thieves carrying knives have slashed and cut the victim in order to shock the victim into immediately releasing valuable items.

which of these are crimes? Which of them, if any, are victimless?

In your group arrange the ten bulleted acts above in number ordered of the seriousness of the offence with 1 being your highest and most serious offence and 10 being your lowest and most trivial(least important) offence.

  • breaking into a car
  • drink driving
  • shoplifting
  • being sold alcohol in a bar whilst under the age limit
  • doing a paper round at the age of 11
  • shouting racist abuse
  • driving under the influence of drugs
  • solvent abuse
  • urinating against a wall
  • picking a fight
which of them, if any, are victimless?
  • shoplifting- the shopkeeper is not going to be hurt or anything, the stealer just wants money
  • urinating against a wall
  • being sold alcohol in a bar whilst under the age limit
What kind of punishment would you give to these offence?
  • Maybe committee work around local area
how should repeat offenders be dealt with?
  • juvenile punishment for a 2 weeks

what is a crime? why do people commit crimes?

Why do people commit crimes?

  1. economic power
  2. jealousy
  3. fear
  4. peer pressure
  5. failure
  6. Necessity: If you are extremely poor and have to steal for instance.
  7. Convenience: While looking at an expensive diamond ring on a jewelry counter and the clerk walks away.
  8. Emotional: Hate crimes are on the increase and can be associated with this, also "crimes of passion" when a person kills there spouse and lover are often due to the extreme emotions of the situation.
  9. Ignorance of the Law: Sometimes you don't even know your breaking a certain law.
  10. Mental Illness: Many people who have mental health problems can't truly understand that what they are doing is breaking a law. Often similar to #4 (Ignorance). Can also be less severe like with shoplifting which is often a crime based on emotional issues rather than necessity.
  11. Pre-Disposition: Some people's personalities and life choices will prompt them to lead a life of crime. Repeat offenders.
  12. Environmental: If a child grows up believing that certain criminal activity is acceptable (drug dealing, prostitution, cheating on taxes, etc.) it can often enhance their potential for crime. Also, sometimes when people are involved in "group" crimes there are those who really didn't want to participate but only do so because they have a need for belonging.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Do you think you have been giving good feedback?

Well to tell you the truth. No.
as you can see i only wrote 2-3 word. And it did not mean anything. It did not even relate to the blog post or anything. I have been doing this... for the past 5 years of my life. Commenting on pictures, blogs, saying it's " awesome layout!" or " Nice words.. "
And i never did really understand the meaning of "feedback"
Not till today.

Go back to one of your peer's blogs. Add a 'good feedback' comment. On your blog explain what you said and why you think is a better
r way of giving feedback. What do you think your peer will have gained from this?

I think i have shown a good feedback.
I have showed motivation, things they did good. But i didn't put what they did wrong. (well thats cause her blogs so amazing. :D )<- should really check it out.

Using the video explain why blogs are a good way to give feedback

Blogs are like journals, portfolio. Case Studies carried out in on students in New South Wales found out that usually when students are given work to do, they go home still do not understand what they are suppose to do. Studies found out that blogs are like your own personal diary. And you can re-read it, re-write it which is part of the learning process. They can also look at their friends blog to see what they have done and so on. You can see how you are processing from bad to good and also look at people blogs to see the process that they've gone through. You can post discussions, comments, pictures, ratings. They use all sorts of ways to present their final work, their thoughts.

In addition to that is, it shows that the "comment" on blogs is the best way for giving feedbacks to your friends. Sometimes we aren't able to say things infront of their face, so we do it cyberly. And this leads to commenting on people work, helping them to improve, supporting and motivate them in which ever way possible.

Case study showed that this is a way for getting your thoughts down, your ideas. It also shows communication in the internet. I explained that some people can't say things in real life, but they can on internet. So i would say that the idea on blogs are really useful for people who doesn't really talk/participate in class. Blog introduction is a way to introduce yourself. You can help one another, link ideas, share ideas through internet.

Produce a table/diagram/presentation showing examples of good and bad feedback

Good Feedbacks
  • Are good because you can know what you did good
  • are good because you can know what you can improve
  • you can know what you did wrong
  • you are motivated, support by others in giving you feedbacks which makes you want to make it better
Bad Feedbacks
  • If you're just here to give one sentence about the persons work, then you're wrong. " It's nice" or " You can do better" or " you did something wrong". This Isnt going to help. " It's nice" what's nice?! " you can do better" well what did I/you/he/she do wrong then? and what did i do good? " you did something wrong". What did i do wrong? my font? my colour? my page layout? or my words and the way I use it or is my research wrong?
  • Bad feedbacks aren't going to help your friends anywhere. They wont know what they did wrong, they dont know why is it good, they dont even know what they did good. So no improvements from there.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

save water song

Why is feedback important?

We need feedback. Mostly we don't see what we have done wrong. They have "blind spots." For example, people don't always know when/what they did wrong and how their work is appreciated, and they aren’t always sure when they’re causing problems
  • Firstly you can know whats your good and weak point.
  • You can know whats your mistakes
  • you can know what to improve
  • you can know what you did good.
  • motivation
  • challenging


that moment when the teacher is absent...

Why you SHOULD save water

first. thats a stupid question to ask.
Second. There are many ways :D
Third. well im about to type it down so wait.

  • we NEED water to live. NEED. im stressing on the word " NEED"
  • we only have 3% of freshwater. and the rest are salt water
  • We are made OF WATER.
  • We need water to make juice, drinks, ice, soft drinks.
  • to you people out there. Be glad that you even have water to drink. Water in Africa are polluted. Cholera is a disease that infects water. And they do not have clean water to drink
  • did YOU know that using hot water in our homes contributes around 35million tonnes of greenhouse gases a year
  • The energy used to produce hot water and also deliver water costs money. Energy use generates greenhouse gases which causes global warming

Ways you could conserve water

Obviously drinking less water would not help...
Obviously not showering wouldn't be the answer either..

  • I guess you can shower for like 10 mins rather than 1 hour( like me)
  • You can install sprinklers in your garden
  • Store buckets of water while washing your car
  • Do not waste water.
  • Don't flush so regularly. Well. obviously you have to flush while you do " big businesses "
  • Swimming pool is a waste of space and water. But it has it's usefulness. So you can stop replacing the water in swimming pool and install a god damn filter.

Ways you waste water

  • you take long showers. I mean i know you want to feel clean, and it feels nice to take long. long. long showers. BUT you just gotto think about the environment.
  • You leave the hose on while washing your car- I know this is convenient, but do you know how much of water that you could supply to Africa when you just leave it on like that?
  • You drink your water, and then throw it away- You might not finish it, but you're just throwing our water resources. Do you know that our body is made up about 70% of water? We cant survive without water for more than 3 days.
  • you leave the tap on while brushing your teeth- Why cant you just do this while showering?
  • watering your plants with a hose- Why cant you just buy a small watering bottle and just shower it on the leaves and the soil? rather then just hosing it like a retarded person. Or, you could install sprinklers.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How to conserve water in the outdoors


  • check our leaks.
  • use brooms not hose to clean the driveways and sidewalks
  • don't run hose while washing the car
  • deep soak lawns
  • don't water the gutter- position your sprinklers so water lands on the lawn or garden, not on paved areas.