Monday, January 31, 2011

Do you think you have been giving good feedback?

Well to tell you the truth. No.
as you can see i only wrote 2-3 word. And it did not mean anything. It did not even relate to the blog post or anything. I have been doing this... for the past 5 years of my life. Commenting on pictures, blogs, saying it's " awesome layout!" or " Nice words.. "
And i never did really understand the meaning of "feedback"
Not till today.

Go back to one of your peer's blogs. Add a 'good feedback' comment. On your blog explain what you said and why you think is a better
r way of giving feedback. What do you think your peer will have gained from this?

I think i have shown a good feedback.
I have showed motivation, things they did good. But i didn't put what they did wrong. (well thats cause her blogs so amazing. :D )<- should really check it out.

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