Monday, January 31, 2011

Using the video explain why blogs are a good way to give feedback

Blogs are like journals, portfolio. Case Studies carried out in on students in New South Wales found out that usually when students are given work to do, they go home still do not understand what they are suppose to do. Studies found out that blogs are like your own personal diary. And you can re-read it, re-write it which is part of the learning process. They can also look at their friends blog to see what they have done and so on. You can see how you are processing from bad to good and also look at people blogs to see the process that they've gone through. You can post discussions, comments, pictures, ratings. They use all sorts of ways to present their final work, their thoughts.

In addition to that is, it shows that the "comment" on blogs is the best way for giving feedbacks to your friends. Sometimes we aren't able to say things infront of their face, so we do it cyberly. And this leads to commenting on people work, helping them to improve, supporting and motivate them in which ever way possible.

Case study showed that this is a way for getting your thoughts down, your ideas. It also shows communication in the internet. I explained that some people can't say things in real life, but they can on internet. So i would say that the idea on blogs are really useful for people who doesn't really talk/participate in class. Blog introduction is a way to introduce yourself. You can help one another, link ideas, share ideas through internet.

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