Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ways you waste water

  • you take long showers. I mean i know you want to feel clean, and it feels nice to take long. long. long showers. BUT you just gotto think about the environment.
  • You leave the hose on while washing your car- I know this is convenient, but do you know how much of water that you could supply to Africa when you just leave it on like that?
  • You drink your water, and then throw it away- You might not finish it, but you're just throwing our water resources. Do you know that our body is made up about 70% of water? We cant survive without water for more than 3 days.
  • you leave the tap on while brushing your teeth- Why cant you just do this while showering?
  • watering your plants with a hose- Why cant you just buy a small watering bottle and just shower it on the leaves and the soil? rather then just hosing it like a retarded person. Or, you could install sprinklers.

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