Monday, March 14, 2011


* Defamation – harm done to a person’s reputation, and slander (spoken) versus libel (written)- I think this would cause the person a mental breakdown
* Whether a statement is seen or heard by a third party or parties
* Whether the identity of the target is clear
* Anonymity – does it make the perpetrator more or less responsible?
* Harassment – what does it involve?
* Duty to provide a safe work or study environment – what roles do schools and teachers play?- I think the school would have to take actions if it's causing the person pain and misery to he/her life.
* Right to freedom of expression – what limits should be placed on it?- too much freedom is not good because you might be doing something out of the ordinary.
* Right to security of person – should people be protected from written or verbal attacks?- I think everyone deserve to suffer in life even it means ONCE or TWICE. No one is meant to be protected everyday, every hour of their lifetime
* Defences and confounding factors – what makes a possibly libellous statement okay?
* Truth – when the statement is accurate
* Fair comment - a legitimate journalistic intent
* “The reasonable person” - how offensive does something have to be before it becomes libellous?

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