Monday, January 31, 2011

Produce a table/diagram/presentation showing examples of good and bad feedback

Good Feedbacks
  • Are good because you can know what you did good
  • are good because you can know what you can improve
  • you can know what you did wrong
  • you are motivated, support by others in giving you feedbacks which makes you want to make it better
Bad Feedbacks
  • If you're just here to give one sentence about the persons work, then you're wrong. " It's nice" or " You can do better" or " you did something wrong". This Isnt going to help. " It's nice" what's nice?! " you can do better" well what did I/you/he/she do wrong then? and what did i do good? " you did something wrong". What did i do wrong? my font? my colour? my page layout? or my words and the way I use it or is my research wrong?
  • Bad feedbacks aren't going to help your friends anywhere. They wont know what they did wrong, they dont know why is it good, they dont even know what they did good. So no improvements from there.

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