Monday, January 31, 2011
Do you think you have been giving good feedback?

as you can see i only wrote 2-3 word. And it did not mean anything. It did not even relate to the blog post or anything. I have been doing this... for the past 5 years of my life. Commenting on pictures, blogs, saying it's " awesome layout!" or " Nice words.. "
And i never did really understand the meaning of "feedback"
Not till today.
Go back to one of your peer's blogs. Add a 'good feedback' comment. On your blog explain what you said and why you think is a better
r way of giving feedback. What do you think your peer will have gained from this?

I think i have shown a good feedback.
I have showed motivation, things they did good. But i didn't put what they did wrong. (well thats cause her blogs so amazing. :D )<- should really check it out.
Using the video explain why blogs are a good way to give feedback
Blogs are like journals, portfolio. Case Studies carried out in on students in New South Wales found out that usually when students are given work to do, they go home still do not understand what they are suppose to do. Studies found out that blogs are like your own personal diary. And you can re-read it, re-write it which is part of the learning process. They can also look at their friends blog to see what they have done and so on. You can see how you are processing from bad to good and also look at people blogs to see the process that they've gone through. You can post discussions, comments, pictures, ratings. They use all sorts of ways to present their final work, their thoughts.
In addition to that is, it shows that the "comment" on blogs is the best way for giving feedbacks to your friends. Sometimes we aren't able to say things infront of their face, so we do it cyberly. And this leads to commenting on people work, helping them to improve, supporting and motivate them in which ever way possible.
Case study showed that this is a way for getting your thoughts down, your ideas. It also shows communication in the internet. I explained that some people can't say things in real life, but they can on internet. So i would say that the idea on blogs are really useful for people who doesn't really talk/participate in class. Blog introduction is a way to introduce yourself. You can help one another, link ideas, share ideas through internet.
Produce a table/diagram/presentation showing examples of good and bad feedback

Good Feedbacks
- Are good because you can know what you did good
- are good because you can know what you can improve
- you can know what you did wrong
- you are motivated, support by others in giving you feedbacks which makes you want to make it better
Bad Feedbacks
- If you're just here to give one sentence about the persons work, then you're wrong. " It's nice" or " You can do better" or " you did something wrong". This Isnt going to help. " It's nice" what's nice?! " you can do better" well what did I/you/he/she do wrong then? and what did i do good? " you did something wrong". What did i do wrong? my font? my colour? my page layout? or my words and the way I use it or is my research wrong?
- Bad feedbacks aren't going to help your friends anywhere. They wont know what they did wrong, they dont know why is it good, they dont even know what they did good. So no improvements from there.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Why is feedback important?
We need feedback. Mostly we don't see what we have done wrong. They have "blind spots." For example, people don't always know when/what they did wrong and how their work is appreciated, and they aren’t always sure when they’re causing problems
- Firstly you can know whats your good and weak point.
- You can know whats your mistakes
- you can know what to improve
- you can know what you did good.
- motivation
- challenging
Why you SHOULD save water
first. thats a stupid question to ask.
Second. There are many ways :D
Third. well im about to type it down so wait.
- we NEED water to live. NEED. im stressing on the word " NEED"
- we only have 3% of freshwater. and the rest are salt water
- We are made OF WATER.
- We need water to make juice, drinks, ice, soft drinks.
- to you people out there. Be glad that you even have water to drink. Water in Africa are polluted. Cholera is a disease that infects water. And they do not have clean water to drink
- did YOU know that using hot water in our homes contributes around 35million tonnes of greenhouse gases a year
- The energy used to produce hot water and also deliver water costs money. Energy use generates greenhouse gases which causes global warming
Ways you could conserve water
Obviously drinking less water would not help...
Obviously not showering wouldn't be the answer either..
- I guess you can shower for like 10 mins rather than 1 hour( like me)
- You can install sprinklers in your garden
- Store buckets of water while washing your car
- Do not waste water.
- Don't flush so regularly. Well. obviously you have to flush while you do " big businesses "
- Swimming pool is a waste of space and water. But it has it's usefulness. So you can stop replacing the water in swimming pool and install a god damn filter.
Ways you waste water
- you take long showers. I mean i know you want to feel clean, and it feels nice to take long. long. long showers. BUT you just gotto think about the environment.
- You leave the hose on while washing your car- I know this is convenient, but do you know how much of water that you could supply to Africa when you just leave it on like that?
- You drink your water, and then throw it away- You might not finish it, but you're just throwing our water resources. Do you know that our body is made up about 70% of water? We cant survive without water for more than 3 days.
- you leave the tap on while brushing your teeth- Why cant you just do this while showering?
- watering your plants with a hose- Why cant you just buy a small watering bottle and just shower it on the leaves and the soil? rather then just hosing it like a retarded person. Or, you could install sprinklers.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
How to conserve water in the outdoors
- check our leaks.
- use brooms not hose to clean the driveways and sidewalks
- don't run hose while washing the car
- deep soak lawns
- don't water the gutter- position your sprinklers so water lands on the lawn or garden, not on paved areas.
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