The question is, does death penalty actually save lives?
For death Penalty
Most countries have abolished the death penalty. But I am going for Death Penalty. Why? because for example, if your best friend/parents/siblings got murdered. What will you do? You would want them dead right? Lets say if the Amnesty abolish the death penalty, What will happen? You can't do anything right?
If the death penalty is abolished , crime rate will rise. Unless the enforcement rate goes up, then it will be fine, but we can't 100% say it will go up will it?
Its better to just kill the person then just keep them in a prison cell. It's so much cheaper. There is also a high chance that the prisoner might escape from prison and that leads to chaos. Facts and evidence supporting the abolishment of the death penalty are often exaggerated. A consequence for committing the crimes are necessary
For eg, Guantanamo Bay.
They torture you, but they wouldn't let you die.
Lets say the death penalty is abolish, would you want to suffer before death?