Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Against death penalty

The question is, does death penalty actually save lives?
If your family/friends are killed, you would want to get revenge right?
lets say its a married man who killed your family/friends and you kill them back/is sent to death penalty, wouldn't his family want revenge too?
This is like a cycle..
they kill, you kill, they kill, you kill
Theres no stopping this cycle if the death penalty isn't abolish

According to roughly a dozen recent studies, executions save lives/ For each inmate put to death, the studies say, 3- 18 murders are prevented...
so.. lets say.. if the man is dead, and you recently found out that he is innocent. Theres nothing you can do about IT.

1) executions cost more than life in prison
2) the innocent may be wrongly executed
3)crime rates have not gone down
4)killing is wrong
5) life in prison is already enough
6) why kill people who kill people to show killing is wrong- yes we want to make sure that there is accountability for crime and an effective deterrent in place; however, the death penalty has message of " you killed on of us, so we'll kill you". The state is actually using a murder to punish someone who committed murder. Does that make sense?
7) financial cost to taxpayers of capital punishment-most people don't realise that carrying out one death sentence cost 2-5 times more than keeping them in prison
8) it is barbaric and violates the "cruel and unusual" clause in the Bill of rights- Whether is electric chair or gas chamber or lethal injection or hanging, it is barbaric to allow this kind of death to be made.

For Death Penalty

For death Penalty

Most countries have abolished the death penalty. But I am going for Death Penalty. Why? because for example, if your best friend/parents/siblings got murdered. What will you do? You would want them dead right? Lets say if the Amnesty abolish the death penalty, What will happen? You can't do anything right?

If the death penalty is abolished , crime rate will rise. Unless the enforcement rate goes up, then it will be fine, but we can't 100% say it will go up will it?


Its better to just kill the person then just keep them in a prison cell. It's so much cheaper. There is also a high chance that the prisoner might escape from prison and that leads to chaos. Facts and evidence supporting the abolishment of the death penalty are often exaggerated. A consequence for committing the crimes are necessary

For eg, Guantanamo Bay.

They torture you, but they wouldn't let you die.

Lets say the death penalty is abolish, would you want to suffer before death?


1) death penalty gives closure to the victim's families who have suffered so much- SOme family members of crime victims may take years or decades to recover from the shock and loss of a loved one. One thing that helps hasten this recovery is to achieve some kind of closure. Life if prison just means the criminal is still around to haunt the victim. A death sentence brings finality to a horrible chapter in the lives of these family members.

2) it creates another form of crime deterrent - crime would run rampant as never before if there wasn't some way to deter people from committing acts. Prison time is an effective deterrent, but with some people, more is needed.

3) justice is better served- punishment should fit the crime. When someone plans to murder another person, doesn't it make sense that the punishment for the perpetrator also be death?

4) it contributes to the problem of overpopulation in the prison system- too many prisoners(causing overcrowding). Not enough resources, not enough space. When you eliminate the death penalty as an option, it means that prisoner must be housed for life.

Monday, March 14, 2011


* Defamation – harm done to a person’s reputation, and slander (spoken) versus libel (written)- I think this would cause the person a mental breakdown
* Whether a statement is seen or heard by a third party or parties
* Whether the identity of the target is clear
* Anonymity – does it make the perpetrator more or less responsible?
* Harassment – what does it involve?
* Duty to provide a safe work or study environment – what roles do schools and teachers play?- I think the school would have to take actions if it's causing the person pain and misery to he/her life.
* Right to freedom of expression – what limits should be placed on it?- too much freedom is not good because you might be doing something out of the ordinary.
* Right to security of person – should people be protected from written or verbal attacks?- I think everyone deserve to suffer in life even it means ONCE or TWICE. No one is meant to be protected everyday, every hour of their lifetime
* Defences and confounding factors – what makes a possibly libellous statement okay?
* Truth – when the statement is accurate
* Fair comment - a legitimate journalistic intent
* “The reasonable person” - how offensive does something have to be before it becomes libellous?


Difference between sensory and senses.
Sensory- this might be referring to touch, smell, see

Interpretation: How can the brain deceive on what you see, smell, touch.

Just because you see something, doesn't mean it's true.
Sometimes believing things in your own opinion will just let you to fall. Life is a journey of constant change. Resisting change or trying to control the change out of life is self-defeating. It'll drain you, it'll make you sad, your happiness will disappear. Change is uncontrollable. You must accept this and move on.

Our brains often trick us into thinking we can't.
For example, have you heard " I could never go back to school" "i don't have the money" or "i can't learn to do that. Im too old". Don't ever fall FOR THIS TRICK. Your mind is very persuasive in the way it uses this.

For example:
A tree as seen by biologist, a logger, an environmentalist, a native from Sarawak

A biologist might see a tree as a study. They might use this to clone new trees, make new medicines and cure to save humanity.
A logger might not care about the tree at all. They'll only care about their money and getting their jobs done. Log trafficking are very common in some countries
An Environmentalist might see it as a very important tree due to the fact that it might play a big part in life. They might if possible ban people from cutting down trees or protect it like a national park.

Osama bin Laden

Why did he commit such a crime?
What made him become like this?
What did he belief in?
Is he dead or still in hiding?
Why is he so dangerous?
What crimes did he do?