What makes a good teamwork?
1) Communication
2) Agreement
3) Setting task
4) Responsibilities
5) Same conclusions- Listening to each other
6) Help each other
7) Listen to each other
8) Giving Opinions
9) Working together
Sets Achievement and Goals
My weakness in the team:
a) Be too harsh
My strengths in the team:
a) Research
b) Summarising Ideas
c) Meeting datelines.
I think that meeting datelines, organising and getting people to do work might be an issue. I think i can develop this area by communicating with them every day.
Working as a team:
Aim and achievements:
1) To perform the projects successfully
2) Make sure everyone get equal parts
3) No slacking
4) Listen to everyone opinion- especially during brainstorming
Roles and Responsibility
a) Equality among the people in the group
b) Researches, organisers, quality checker, Video maker/recorder
We will not have a team leader since the team is so small. We are comrades and believe in communism, therefore a napoleon would ruin the whole thing.
Keep track of what our team is doing:
a) We can achieve by creating a time sheet/google calendar for this particular project
Strict dateline rule
No procrastination
Punishments are needed.