Monday, July 11, 2011

This is what i am.

My top is : Implementer-40
2nd: Coordinator-13
3rd- Monitor evaluator-6

my face right after i've got myresult.. :|

I think these 3 are my personalities because I have to finish my work and I am usually motivated. If i don't finish my task on time, i will feel uneasy and i can't sleep.
I dont mind if i get work, or even more task. I don't usually show that i'm scared or worried. I keep it to myself.Sometimes i prefer to do things alone- sometimes leading to me doing everything. I react strong to both praise and criticism.

What did we learn about the apprentice

We learnt to listened to other people's ideas other than yours.
We need good leaders( if we have one)
Set multiple tasks
Never have 2 people doing the same thing- Waste ones effort.
conflicts can happen between team members.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Team Work

What makes a good teamwork?

1) Communication
2) Agreement
3) Setting task
4) Responsibilities
5) Same conclusions- Listening to each other
6) Help each other
7) Listen to each other
8) Giving Opinions
9) Working together

Sets Achievement and Goals

My weakness in the team:
a) Be too harsh

My strengths in the team:
a) Research
b) Summarising Ideas
c) Meeting datelines.

I think that meeting datelines, organising and getting people to do work might be an issue. I think i can develop this area by communicating with them every day.

Working as a team:
Aim and achievements:
1) To perform the projects successfully
2) Make sure everyone get equal parts
3) No slacking
4) Listen to everyone opinion- especially during brainstorming

Roles and Responsibility
a) Equality among the people in the group
b) Researches, organisers, quality checker, Video maker/recorder
We will not have a team leader since the team is so small. We are comrades and believe in communism, therefore a napoleon would ruin the whole thing.

Keep track of what our team is doing:
a) We can achieve by creating a time sheet/google calendar for this particular project

Strict dateline rule
No procrastination
Punishments are needed.