Monday, February 21, 2011

crimes in malaysia


Purse-Snatchings: In most incidents, two thieves on a motorcycle speed up from behind a victim, and the passenger on the back snatches a purse, handbag, or cellular phone. Thieves have also conducted snatch-thefts while leaning out of the passenger side of moving vehicles. These thefts can occur at all hours and often in front of large groups of witnesses, even in upscale neighborhoods frequented by expatriates. Women walking by themselves or with small children are the most common targets, but men walking or jogging alone have also been targeted. Victims have been injured and even killed after falling and being dragged by thieves in cars or on motorcycles. More recently, some thieves carrying knives have slashed and cut the victim in order to shock the victim into immediately releasing valuable items.

which of these are crimes? Which of them, if any, are victimless?

In your group arrange the ten bulleted acts above in number ordered of the seriousness of the offence with 1 being your highest and most serious offence and 10 being your lowest and most trivial(least important) offence.

  • breaking into a car
  • drink driving
  • shoplifting
  • being sold alcohol in a bar whilst under the age limit
  • doing a paper round at the age of 11
  • shouting racist abuse
  • driving under the influence of drugs
  • solvent abuse
  • urinating against a wall
  • picking a fight
which of them, if any, are victimless?
  • shoplifting- the shopkeeper is not going to be hurt or anything, the stealer just wants money
  • urinating against a wall
  • being sold alcohol in a bar whilst under the age limit
What kind of punishment would you give to these offence?
  • Maybe committee work around local area
how should repeat offenders be dealt with?
  • juvenile punishment for a 2 weeks

what is a crime? why do people commit crimes?

Why do people commit crimes?

  1. economic power
  2. jealousy
  3. fear
  4. peer pressure
  5. failure
  6. Necessity: If you are extremely poor and have to steal for instance.
  7. Convenience: While looking at an expensive diamond ring on a jewelry counter and the clerk walks away.
  8. Emotional: Hate crimes are on the increase and can be associated with this, also "crimes of passion" when a person kills there spouse and lover are often due to the extreme emotions of the situation.
  9. Ignorance of the Law: Sometimes you don't even know your breaking a certain law.
  10. Mental Illness: Many people who have mental health problems can't truly understand that what they are doing is breaking a law. Often similar to #4 (Ignorance). Can also be less severe like with shoplifting which is often a crime based on emotional issues rather than necessity.
  11. Pre-Disposition: Some people's personalities and life choices will prompt them to lead a life of crime. Repeat offenders.
  12. Environmental: If a child grows up believing that certain criminal activity is acceptable (drug dealing, prostitution, cheating on taxes, etc.) it can often enhance their potential for crime. Also, sometimes when people are involved in "group" crimes there are those who really didn't want to participate but only do so because they have a need for belonging.